'Tamarillo, a group of dedicated and good-natured adventurers'.
David and Joyce, Australia.
'The relationship you have developed with the local people of Kadavu is unique - such a sensitive relationship which is genuine and fantastic to observe.'
Emma, Scotland.
'I always thought my days were just packed, but this holiday packed more beautiful places, people, food, fun, and action than I have ever managed before, and I still managed to feel more relaxed than I have in ages.'
Adrian, UK.
‘Thank you Marina and Anthony for sharing with me and with all of us a part of your dream. A journey through Italy I will never forget. You have combined in 10 days a little (and the best) of all that I have experienced in five visits. Italy is now even more alive in my heart. Grazie mille!!’
Pauline, Australia.
'Highlights? Wow, where do I start? The children, the roosters calling us to our breakfast, the water so blue, to dive and see my first sharks, the other travellers I have met, young and old, the food, it just goes on and on.'
Jeff, New Zealand.
‘What can I say? It was amazing. The food, of course, was fantastic, but what was brilliant was the apparent ease that Tamarillo seemed to have when finding the best restaurant in town. The walks were so different, some challenging physically, some mentally. The variety was the best part. It was part hike, part walk, and all fun. We always stayed in interesting and wonderful places. I dare say we were spoiled. It was one of the best trips I have ever been on, and definitely the most fun I have had in Italy.’
Lucas, New Zealand.
'The calm rhythm of paddles through a crystal sea. Glowing creatures in the water and shooting stars in the sky. Singing and dancing and the delicious food. And of course, the most fantastic swimming hole in the world.'
Libby, England.
‘A fantastic few days with the Walk like an Italian group. Everything is so well organised but in a really relaxed way. Great walks, great food and great company.’
Wendy, Scotland.
‘What an amazing fun-packed 10 days we've had together! The incredible walks followed by fabulous meals in small, local restaurants; coastal hikes, forest hikes, island hikes, mountain hikes: I haven't fully digested the experiences yet, but I know they've given me a rich sense of the culture and the land of Italy that I wouldn't have got without our warm and knowledgeable leaders.’
Sandra, USA.
‘La excursion a la bellisima Italia con Tamarillo fue una experiencia induidable. Disfrute cada instante del viaje y cada lugar g visite me transportaba al pasado, a la unica y exclusive historia de Italia. Me senti disfrutar de un hermoso viaje en familia mas g en lo g significa un convencional tour, pues gracias a la calidez y amabilidad de Marina y Anthony. Te sientes como parte de la bella Italia. Siempre llevare en mi corazon los bellos momentos compartidos, las caminatas y la deliciosa comida, y sobre todo la calidad humana de Marina y Anthony. Gracias. Hasta la proxima.’
Edibel, Venezuela.
'A wonderful, wonderful holiday. I've really appreciated the encouragement given to a 'mature' woman (me) to try things that took me out of my comfort zone, knowing safety was uppermost.'
Joan, New Zealand.
'A really wonderful break from reality and a good combination of exercise and relaxation. Didn't achieve my goal of losing weight though.'
Dave, New Zealand.
'Amazing, life-expanding. Seeing, experiencing and living with the Fijians during this expedition has opened my mind and given me an appreciation unlike any other experience in my life. See you next year.'
George, USA.
‘A fabulous ten days in your expert hands. The whole trip has exceeded expectations. The walking was varied and always spectacular. The accommodation was well-suited to each special location. The food and wine just superb, and your guiding and hosting exceptional.’
Tracey, New Zealand.
‘The past ten days have been truly magic. Superlatives fail me when I try to put it in words. From the streets of Parma, to the mountains of Pruno, to the beautiful sea of Elba, and everything in between, I will never forget it.’
Sophie, England.
'A great opportunity to see a Fiji that I'd imagined, but didn't realise existed. Back to basics but with a difference. Can't get it from a movie, have to live it for yourself.'
Robyn, New Zealand.
'Holy Shit! Was it worth it!!! This past week has taken me to places I've been dreaming of for years. The expectations I had on coming in were so incredibly surpassed.'
Eric, USA.
'The 'moonbathing' and kayak venture into the tranquil waters at midnight was real storybook stuff.'
Mary, New Zealand.
'Fiji time is simultaneously all the time in the world, yet no time at all. This week has been so short and at the same time has been a wonderful slice of forever.'
Chyrise and Mark, USA.
‘Walk like an Italian is a truly memorable experience. Your creativity and authenticity shine through, and you helped me actually feel like a bit of a local. The varied landscapes add such colour and interest, and the walks are stunning. Pruno was a real stand-out for the walks, the food and the insight into village life.’
Emma, Scotland.
‘Amazing scenery, food, company. Your style of trip is "authentic" which makes it so special and rewarding. I'm sure as the word spreads the trip will become more legendary. We will be ambassadors for your company.’
Paul, New Zealand.
‘If you are looking for an authentic travel experience in Italy hosted by the best, then look no further than Tamarillo Active Travel.’
Greg, New Zealand.
'Privilege. Our party has been able to experience things that virtually all other visitors to Fiji would never exerience. The visit to the village was quite unspoiled by the indifference that you so often find in tourist resorts - and when they said goodbye to us in that song, you could tell their warmth was genuine - it brought tears to my eyes.'
Bill, New Zealand.
'It was very humbling to experience the warmth and friendliness of every village community member (except the roosters). The kayaking was fantastic, the seas were kind to us, and the coral was stunning.'
Pete and Heidi, UK.
'From the moment we touched down in Nadi this trip has exceeded my expectations. I'm sure the simplicity of the island setting belies the hours of inspiration and organisation involved in setting the trip up.'
Amanda, New Zealand.
'The whole week has been wonderful - the chance to be outdoors constantly and soak up the sun and gradually unwind. For me personally the trip was a huge challenge. I feel a great sense of achievement.'
Denise, New Zealand.
'As I glided over a pristine coral garden as we crossed Matasawalevu Bay, I knew we'd come to a very, very, special place. I'll leave feeling that I've been to somewhere unspoilt and precious. Long may it stay that way.'
Tony, New Zealand.
‘What a fantastic ten days of adventure and laughter. The walks were challenging at times, but we never ended the day too exhausted for an aperitivo. Even more challenging were the evening meals which at times extended to six-course banquets. Thanks also for the splendid picnic lunches. Thanks for the behind-the-scenes organisation that ensured everything ran smoothly, and for showing us parts of Italy that the ordinary tourist would never see.’
Joan and Ian, New Zealand.
‘An extraordinary experience from the mountains to the sea and everything in between. Your hard work behind the scenes has meant a peaceful, fun, seamless holiday. I've loved it all but especially being able to meet local people and share a tiny bit of their lives, and for the knowledge you have imparted along the way.’
Valerie, New Zealand.
'We have seen the real Fiji and it has been a great privilege.'
Joanna, New Zealand.
'The trip was phenomenal, the guides were exceptional - their commitment to coffee was beyond the call of Tamarillo duty.'
Marcus, New Zealand.
'Just when you thought your arms might drop off it was time for another blend of coffee, kava, or cultural experience. Just when you'd given into the grunge, hot showers offered welcome relief.'
Marlene, New Zealand.
'Wow! This was a true expedition. I loved paddling along then beaching for a quick snorkel or jaunt through the jungle. The locals opened their hearts, homes and beaches to us with gracious smiles. I've never eaten such wonderful fresh food.'
Kahlil, USA.
‘Fantastico! Loved being here to share and partake in all the Tamarillo Italy goodness - the walking, the people, the food, the vino, the weather, the culture and the laughs. Tutto bene, la terra dei sogni.’
Gareth, Australia.
'Lush, warm, restorative, vibrant. This was not just a simple vacation, but a true experience that I might reflect on time and again when I need to put a smile on my face.'
Brian, USA.
'During this Tamarillo expedition my mental abilities greatly reduced. Therefore I conclude the trip was a success! You have excellent guide skills, making 'roughing it' not so rough.'
Aimen, USA.
'I feel like I've been away a lot longer than a week, with many daily adventures - a good balance of rest, relaxation, paddling, food¦ and an amazing opportunity to meet the real Fiji.'
Erin, New Zealand.
'You can't choose when or how you're going to die. You can only decide how you're going to live, and this is one of the best ways to do it! This adventure does not feel like a week, but at least a month of total bliss.'
Justine, New Zealand.
'Great trip around Kadavu where we met and spoke to more locals than tourists.'
Paul, New Zealand.
'All in all it was a great week which has endeared us to kayaking. Go raibh maith agaibh.'
Dara, Ireland
'A very special time with good people and excellent food. Felt I saw more of the real Fiji than ever before. So beautiful, and a surprise around every corner.'
Maureen, New Zealand.
‘We followed beautiful trails to the tops of mountains, to look down onto forests, hill-towns and the sea below, with islands and ships in the distance. Our days were filled with fine hikes, food and lodging accompanied by our superlative tour leaders, caring for our every need.’
Beryl, USA.
‘Still not quite sure how you did it: distilling Italy's magnificent culture into 10 days... Superb organisation, wonderful walking, fabulous food, even better wine, and the best tour guides and companions you could ask for. Thanks for a great holiday experience.’
Bruce and Kathy, Australia.
‘As with the Fiji trip, everything was superbly organised and we visited places that I will always remember.’
Lois, New Zealand.
'A week of fantastic experiences. Our guides managed to make even the lack of sunshine a real bonus. It was a week of learning, sharing, and laughing, and right now, I would give anything to be staying on for more!'
Sue, New Zealand.
'I've never had better paddling, and it was surpassed by the quality of the travelling companions.'
Garth, USA
'I came, I saw, I capsized! Fantastic!'
Kevin, New Zealand.
'I don't want to go home!'
Vailema, New Zealand.
'You've created a truly unique Fiji tourism experience.'
Sharon, Australia.
'You have a great and special thing going on here in the islands.'
Gillian, New Zealand.
'Tamarillo: very special, delicious, and full of wonderful surprises. A truly wonderful experience.'
David, New Zealand.
‘Without doubt, one of the best holidays we have ever experienced. It was simply amazing. Every aspect of the trip was planned professionally and delivered very effectively. The most important part was that it was always carried out in a friendly and flexible way. We thoroughly enjoyed every day, from the beauty of the special places that we would never have found ourselves to the wonderful local food and people that we were introduced to.’
Verena & Richard, Switzerland.
‘Thank you for your enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, kindness and creative travel planning. Everything was wonderful. Thank you for sharing an Italy that we would not have seen. We will always treasure our days with you and the group. We have had an unforgettable experience.’
Martha & Don, USA.
'I learnt a lot, saw a lot, enjoyed 90 percent and appreciated the other 10 percent. Something I would do again.'
Bob, New Zealand.
'I thought this trip might be too cruisey - not enough kayaking, and resorts every night! The balance was superb however, and the opportunities to have showers each day was welcome. Thanks for the laid-back leadership style and great company.'
Chris, Australia.
'Certainly an unusual way to spend our honeymoon. It is definitely true about the double-kayaks being 'marriage testers' - and least we ironed out any marital difference early on. A fantastic insight into Fijian life.'
Michael and Sara, Australia.
'After our wonderful Tamarillo Fijian Experience we are totally motivated to encourage our adventurous friends to enjoy this 'expedition extra-ordinaire!'.'
Alan and Jenny, Australia.
'We thank you for your integrity, thoughtfulness, and sincerity at providing people of ages 65 to 3 the opportunity to holiday, learn new skills, experience a new culture and enjoy the companionship of others in an idyllic, safe environment.'
Jenny, Australia.
‘As I reflect on an extraordinary 10 days, my feet and stomach suggest a perfect trip. Thank you for the Italian experience, perfectly planned, right down to my boots falling apart 200 metres from the end of the track on the last day.’
Bruce, New Zealand.
‘Our walks took us to beautiful places and gave us good work-outs at the same time. The food started out great and got better and better. The lodgings were excellent. I have enjoyed your company very much. This has been my finest experience in Europe. I feel that I know some of the best of Italy as a result of our trip.’
Robert, USA.
'When Dad told me we were going overseas kayaking in the holidays, I wasn't too impressed. I hope you know I missed two gigs for this! Actually I was pleasantly surprised, I actually enjoyed this week. Tamarillo was really good because I didn't just have to be around the family.'
Mark (aged 15), Australia.
'I've been treated like royalty, which took a bit of getting used to, but I think I've come to accept it now. Thank you for getting me around Kadavu safely, Mum will be really grateful, as was Dad!'
Kohner (aged 3), as told to his dad Stu, New Zealand.
'Not only the best way to experience Fijian life, but also an incredible opportunity for father and son to enjoy a unique bonding experience. Watching my son Kohner transform from an inhibited cat/dog-phobe to a go-get'm kid who can now handle cats, dogs, pigs, goats and the mass assault of curious young Fijian minds has been fantastic. I'll not be able to recommend highly enough the value that can be gained by such an experience.'
Stu, New Zealand.
'A great release and relief from the suit and tie regime."'
Bruce, Australia.
'This trip was absolutely brilliant. Okay, so it was windy, but it's a fantastic feeling to battle through the wind for 20 minutes, then pull up on some idyllic shore and be fed, coffee-d and entertained. The Tamarillo experience is a must-do.'
Caitlin, New Zealand.
'Every day was a new chapter in the Tamarillo book of adventure. We will be forever telling tales of our Tamarillo time.'
Annie, New Zealand.
'2 humpback whales, 2 turtles, 1 snake, flying fish, beautiful snorkelling... an unforgettable experience.'
Wendy, New Zealand.
‘Thank you for a most awesome 10 days in Italy. Your careful planning gave us all such a special and diverse experience. You were so kind and thoughtful to me, always supportive and encouraging... The entire trip was marvelous, and I can't choose a favourite place or meal. I shall never forget our days together.’
Deborah, USA.
'Thank you for all the work you have done setting up this amazing trip, and all the special surprises along the way. Your great positive attitude goes a long way to make this the best Fiji experience we have ever had.'
Ali and John, New Zealand.
'The scenery was wonderful and the hospitality incredible.'
Tami and Edward, USA.
'To visit Kadavu, meet the wonderful people, share jokes with them, snorkel in the clear multi-blue water of the great reef, to see the turtles, dolphins, and flying fish, to feel like an 'old hand' at dressing appropriately as we enter villages, to have our every need and want catered for - and to bring my 12-year old daughter Sally along with me - its all been made possible. It's been a pleasure to come as a guest, not a tourist.'
Kathy, New Zealand.
'Scary spiders, really nice people, this has been a cool week. I had heaps of fun.'
Sally (age 12), New Zealand.
'What a holiday, it's been like visiting heaven. Magical people, their smiles, their laughs, their hospitality, and the music has been incredible. Tamarillo's will always be extra special from now on.'
Andrea, New Zealand, and Sandy, Canada.
'The expedition was so much more than we ever imagined or expected. The scenery, food, equipment, accommodation, people, guides - AWESOME!! We cant remember the last time we laughed so much (which we needed). It has been heaps of fun. We've had the best time and will recommend Tamarillo to everyone we know.'
Reuben and Alison, New Zealand.
'When you come away on a journey like this you are not always sure what to expect. I expected to have a good time but my expectations were way surpassed. The experience were made enjoyable by the way the Tamarillo staff catered for all needs and capabilities. Individual attention was an obvious priority and the way the group worked together was a real feature. When you get to the end of an adventure like this and the first comment is 'it was too short', you know that a return trip is on the cards.'
Chris, Australia.
'Through your expert guidance we have not only had a week of exercise and fun, but also a great human experience interacting with the local Fijians of Kadavu. You have assembled a great team and we will have no hesitation recommending Tamarillo to any of our friends.'
Barry and Vicki , Australia.
'We have enjoyed sun, surf, good coffee, good chocolate cake, sand-flies, wet butts, great company, sun lotion, sore arms, kava, but mostly the Fijian experience due to our great guides. A good mix of exercise, lying in the sun, visiting villages and a visit out of the comfort zone, beyond the reef... What a great week.'
Susan, New Zealand.
'You have got the mix of activity, relaxation and culture just right. This week has been one I will remember always, the beauty of the sea, islands and the Fijian people.'
Katherine, New Zealand.
'Its hard to write because the entire week fails description. We had fun, sun, sand, sea, adventure, and too much kava. It's been a much needed week of soul-food. Fabulous.'
Margaret, New Zealand.
'The soft sea-breeze gently wafts the mosquito net around my bed as I lie thinking of the week's sea-kayaking. Resting, relaxing, eating, sleeping to the distant roar of the surf on the Astrolabe Reef. All entrees to another day of fun-filled adventure in Tamarillo's Fiji. Any one of the snorkelling, kayaking, volleyball, village visits, sun-bathing, diving, eating, would be enough to make a fantastic holiday, but throw in the guides with them all and you have a Tamarillo expedition. A class act. One of the trips to do in your life no matter where on the globe you hail from.'
Tom, New Zealand.
'P.S. And did I mention the coffee?'
'Kadavu is the hidden gem of the South Pacific and Tamarillo is surely the best way to experience it. Traditional Fijian villages and culture, outstanding beaches and snorkelling. A range of great overnight spots with great Fijian food and drink. There is no better one-week escape - five stars.'
Matt, New Zealand.
'It's been a wonderful week: paddled a lot, ate a lot and laughed a lot!!'
Hiromi, Japan.
'I paddled it. I ate it. I drank it. Good kayaking. Fantastic village food and exotic tasting kava.'
Kenji, Japan.
'I love kayaking. I liked seeing the sea turtle and the jumping fish.'
Amy, age 6, Scotland.
'Tamarillo has given us a fantastic adventure in a tropical paradise. Thank you for looking after our children so well - for your good humour and friendship, and for giving us an insiders view of life in beautiful Kadavu. This will go down as one of our best family holidays ever.'
Helen, Scotland.
'You are master artists, transforming a group of strangers into friends and creating a perfect journey and adventure. Thank you for helping us learn about Fiji, Kadavu and kayaking. It has been a fantastic week for us all.'
David, Scotland.
'It was totally a trip of a lifetime that will linger long in the memory. So many highlights, it was all good - the people, the land, the sea. They all conspired to create a holiday brew of delicious flavours. Vinaka!'
Grant, New Zealand.
'There have been no low points. Lots of highs and at times challenges. I have new skills (snorkelling, kayaking, and general confidence in the water), have tasted the delights of Fiji, amazing food and kava, the people, the places, the weather. It's been an amazing, life-changing experience.'
Thomasin, New Zealand.
'What could be better than days of sun and sea, and nights of drifting off to sleep with the heat, and the sound of the ocean. There have been so many moments that have touched my heart, and so many moments that I want to always remember.'
Jacqui, New Zealand.
'It's really easy to travel, book your tickets, pay the money, get on the plane. But to have an experience that leaves you feeling enriched, enlightened, that takes Tamarillo. The warmest welcome we've experienced in every village and resort - the children with huge smiles and the brightest eyes, and an island or two surrounded by stunning ocean vistas, above and below the water. The people made it - this was much more than a holiday.'
Tony and Brenda, New Zealand.
'Here I am, an old man in a dry month,
being read to by a boy, waiting for rain.
I was neither at the hot gates, nor fought in the warm rain,
nor knee-deep in the salt marshes, heaving a cutlass, bitten by fleas.
But this 69 year-old man was here in the warm weather,
heaving a paddle in a two-person kayak, and,
like the rest of the group, have had an astonishing time. So,
"Come fill the cup, and in the fire of spring
the winter garment of repentance fling".'
Dick, New Zealand.
'Your guidance and patience have carved a special place in my heart. You've caused me to remember what I had forgot. I felt 13 again, and it all made sense.'
Hillary, USA.
'I leave Fiji with a handful of mosquito bites, a bag full of salty laundry, tender kayaking muscles (bigger too), and a smile that will be hard to wipe from my face. To the Tamarillo crew and all who follow in our paddle-strokes, I will always remember.'
Jack, USA.
'In the weeks leading up to this trip as I gloated and bragged about my impending Fiji expedition, I never imagined that it was so amazing an expedition I was bragging about. Looking back over the week and a half that we've been here, it feels much more like we've lived in Fiji, rather than simply visited. We've delved into the Fiji lifestyle in a way that tourists don't get to. Or at least that's what I like to think. At the same time, we've been treated like royalty the whole way. Thanks for an incredible trip.'
Ollie, New Zealand.
'To the amazing team at Tamarillo, thank you for the Kadavu experience. Everyday opened up worlds of fun and laughter, and the opportunity to experience and meet the most loving and lovely people at every stop of this adventure.'
Emma, New Zealand.
'Of all the special things that happened visiting Naqara was the thing that moved people most. We arrived after a sunny day on the water to the entire village coming down to greet us. There wasn't a breath of wind and the village looked like the Garden of Eden with all the mango trees in flower and the breadfruit trees hanging with motionless leaves. After the wonderful formalities lead by Petero, the finest orator on the earth, they asked us to mingle with them. The ladies in our group sang in the corner with the Fijian ladies and we all drank kava and had wonderful yarns before and after dinner until late. As we paddled away the sounds of their beautiful voices floated to our ears. Truly wonderful people. In all my years of travelling I have never felt such genuine warmth from a group of people willing to share their culture with us.'
Mike, New Zealand.
'This was a great journey and experience for me. It was the first time I had experienced a different culture first-hand, and with great guides who made the whole expedition something I won't forget. It was a real challenge but it was worth it.'
Richard, New Zealand.
'The guides: a good combination of madmen and gentlemen.'
Jody, New Zealand.
'Challenged by wind, cooled by rain, sustained by the hearty welcomes, beautiful food, singing and kava on the way. It is so good to experience people living in harmony with their environment. Long may it last.'
Martin, New Zealand.
'We booked in 2000, finally did it in 2002, and it was worth the wait!'
Mike and Donna, Australia.
'An experience of a lifetime - never to be forgotten.'
Neville, New Zealand.
'Best holiday ever.'
Lynn, New Zealand.
'I really didn't think I was going to make it around the island but I did! What a great thing to hear the kids sing, "This land is your land". Would have made Woody Guthrie proud!'
Chris, USA.
'This trip has provided me with stories for my kids. The best experience I have ever had. Thank you for taking care of my wife and I.'
David, USA.
'Thank you very much & see you again.'
Hye Seung, Korea.
'Last night when we were all thinking of our favourite moments from the trip I was overwhelmed by how impossible it would be to choose just one special time that outshone all the rest. Every moment was amazing in different ways, and each day was made up of more than I thought was possible to squeeze in. I think it had something to do with the way the expedition just makes you forget about everything except how incredible everything all around you is: sights, smells (well, most of these), the company of wonderful friends and the chance to meet new people who were both gracious hosts and ambassadors of an incredible country. I feel so lucky to have had a chance to visit a Fiji that most tourists wouldn't dream of finding and most of all was inspired by the way Tamarillo has built such special relationships with people all around Kadavu. The way we were welcomed was a rare and great thing. Its been an incredible week.'
Katie, USA.
'I had to think and do some hard stuff sometimes, but there was always a Tamarillo guide there to point the way, not only with the requisite 'gentle but firm' attitude needed to wrangle such a group of individuals, but also an unbelievable level of diplomacy between 'honky crue' and the locals. There was a good deal of hard work for us flabbo folks, but not so much as to make it unpleasant. I've even taken to this kayaking thing enough to consider it as a viable commuting alternative in San Francisco.'
Tom, USA.
'What fun there is to be had in Fiji! I knew the trip would be great, but I was delighted with how much we weren't told about.'
Fifi, New Zealand.
'I've had the world's greatest time! So many laughs and smiles.'
Jade, New Zealand.
'What a wonderful place, and an awesome reminder of the important things in life. Makes me feel alive!'
Jacs, New Zealand.
'A week beyond words - coming here with no idea of what to expect, and leaving with indelible memories of wonderful people (both Tamarillos and others), and beautiful places.'
Simon, New Zealand.
Photo credit: Gilbert van Reenen.