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Category: Fiji
kadavu island dive2

Destination: Fiji

Five reasons to visit Kadavu Island, Fiji

The more we travel around the Pacific the more we realise how rare and special Kadavu Island is. Here are our top reasons why Kadavu, Fiji is not to be missed.

Sea kayakingKadavu’s warm waters are perfect for sea-kayaking. With our local guides, you…

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Matava ok

Destination: Fiji

Sea-kayak Fiji: frequently-asked questions

1. Sea-kayaking. What's it like?
Sea-kayaking is a great way to explore the world. It's easy to learn, environmentally-friendly, and does not require months of training and superior strength. Sea-kayaking is good for the body and mind.

2. Is it eas…

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Destination: Fiji

The Great Astrolabe Reef

The Kadavu people call it Cakau Levu, (literally: big reef), while it is more widely-known as the Great Astrolabe Reef. The French explorer Dumont d'Urville named it after his boat the Astrolabe, after nearly wrecking himself upon it in 1827.

At aro…

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Flower ok

Destination: Fiji

Fiji: travelers' health

Those arriving from colder places may at first find Fiji's heat and humidity a challenge. If so, drink plenty of water and take it easy.

Sunburn, heat exhaustion, and motion-sickness affect sea-kayakers and boat passengers from time to time, and occ…

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